
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The many grains of a cup of Coffee..

A friend of mine stopped by this morning. She is transgendered and is in between moving from her female-born and raised state to, well, to most of us on the dyadic spectrum, there is only the other side, malehood.

She is writing an essay about the intersection of her spiritual and gendered journeys. As we were talking, it became clear to me why some Native American tribes, have delegated this particular community, the two-spirit members of the clan, to be the spiritual leaders. If these leaders, as my friend very well may be, are not attached to being one gender or the other, are able to choose to float between physical genders on the amorphous gender plane, they may be able to expand and contract inside different spiritual realms.

My friend talked about her journey stemming from her questions around her newborn son's circumcision ritual. As we spoke, it dawned on me that several incarnations occurred in the Torah, the Jewish Bible, to Abraham and Sara. First I realized that God required Abraham to make a physical ritual so that people might have an accessible route to the divine. In essence, God brought Abraham to a physical level from what I realized was a less gendered place. I interpreted his name in this way. He was Av-ram, higher father. He became Avraham, which if split into Avr-hm, translated into "appendage" and "them". In essence, the one responsible for the appendeges of all of them. A very physical and gendered role. Maybe that's where most of us, in our spiritual journey, are able to begin. Initially, Avram and his wife Sarai, were barren and could not conceive, neither was a vehicle for gendered procreation, perhaps they were on the transgendered plane. Then God decided to engender them into procreating male and female.

I find it fascinating that we, also, have to go through a circumsion of sorts in order to get into our true divine selves. Some do so with a physical removal of a part of the male appendage. Some of us remove the non-essential chaff, whatever it is that keeps us occluded, from the whey, our present, spiritual self.

I truly believe that the transgendered community has the ability to shed our prescribed biological constraints and allow those willing to be less attached to their male or female parameters to experience another way towards spiritual manifestation.

Imagine what the next cup of coffee might bring.

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