
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Economy Slump? Ecology Dump? Move your Rump!

My girl and I have a reason to celebrate. In this crazy economy, while my work has dwindled to a few hours a week, and gas prices have climbed like an aggressive, invasive ivy, we are about to finish paying off our cumulative debt. How is that possible? We did not rob a bank, though we are so grateful to a government program that has allowed us to keep our home sweet home from falling into foreclosure; We haven't won the lottery, though we have been rich within our means.So, how do 2 moms, working part time, living in the expensive Bay Area feel so abundant these days?

Well, we've gotten very creative:

We BARTER anything we can. I use my photography skills, my ability to cook gourmet, low-cost, international meals, and my organizational and coaching skills to help people who are stuck in clutter, procrastination or general confusion.

For the above we have received a deck, midwifery services, haircuts and frequent flyer miles; coffee beans and tickets to a myriad of events; Even stays at vacation homes.

Don't tell me you have nothing to BARTER Can you play with kids? Parents are in desperate need for a night off. Can you pull weeds and rake some leaves? Gardening help for those of us who love our gardens but have no time to maintain them, may yield some fruit, literally, for the weed whacker. Can you drive? shop for food? walk the dog? Clean a house? If you have the time, there is a need for your services.

We SWAP! books and clothes, toys and homes. I hate clutter and I love giving stuff away. If I don't use something for 6 months and it takes up emotional and physical precious space, it gets listed on the internet at swapping sites and ousted. I refuse to buy new and consume more of our already fragile world's resources. There are tons of sites where I get my books for my book club for free; Speakers for my Ipod, enormous plants for my home; pokemon sheets for my boys; frames and vases; chairs and cushions; bikes and bulbs all for free. I am seriously thinking of starting a business finding free and cheap stuff for people. I think this is what Obama would call a Green Job opportunity.

We've started driving our tiny, boxy Honda that gets as good a gas mileage as the Hybrids! It has no radio and no heat, but it rides like a race car and costs only $20 to fill per week, unlike our cherished, but beastly soccer team toting minivan. My partner started walking to work and I accompany her often for the FREE exercise, communing in nature and getting time to talk!

We've started incorporating more VEGGIE AND VEGAN MEALS into our weekly menu. For one thing, it's cheaper. Did you know that it takes 16 lbs. of rice to feed a 1 lb. of beef? Well a Pound of beef doesn't eat, but 16 lbs. of rice feeds a ton of people, whereas 1 lbs. of beef feeds, well, just me. The toxins that are created from raising and shipping meat are greater than all the pollution cause by cars, planes and trains combined. I am not kidding. Our arteries surely appreciate our weekly efforts and so does the ozone layer. How can we go wrong?

We insist on REUSING our plastic bags and take canvass bags whenever we shop. We even have a tiny stuff-able bag, called a Chico bag that I keep in my purse, which expands to a nice, large and sturdy one whenever and wherever I need it. Forget your Visa, you'll only be getting into more debt, don't leave home with this!

We COMPOST! We had so much garbage, we decided to dig a hole in our yard and put in our unused veggies and fruit in there. The worms love us. We love them turning this stuff into good dirt for our newly built Raised BEDS. Our garbage can debris was halved.

We created a BUDGET that allows us the freedom from the insanity of constantly worrying about living beyond our means. We don't get resentful because we have chosen not to buy a Wii, or get a new car, or go out to new fandangled restaurants. We are grateful that we are coming out of debt and haven't had to declare bankruptcy. We believe our kids will be better off not getting the newest Video system and that we will not heap debt on them because we will aggressively pursue saving for their future when our debts are paid off.

We hold POTLUCKS and SINGALONGS and go out for HIKES with our friends. We share our resources and find amusements in connecting with others.

There are so many ways we are figuring out on how to live more responsibly on this planet and we do it together,as a family, and that's worth a whole bunch. And these values that we teach our kids are, you got it, free and recyclable.

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